About Harmony River Chorus

About Us

Harmony River Chorus is a part of Sweet Adelines International, a world-wide organization of women
who sing four-part a cappella harmony, barbershop style. The group ranges in age from twenty-
something to septuagenarians, and we all share the same sparkle, energy, and love of entertaining!
Like our voices, our mission is four parts, derived from Sweet Adelines International:
The mission of Harmony River Chorus is to perpetuate and enhance the barbershop music art form by
1. Providing education and training for its members,
2. Giving public and private performances,
3. Awarding grants and scholarships to individuals and organizations in their pursuit of study and
activities in the field of vocal music, and
4. Doing any and all things necessary to accomplish said purpose.
The chorus’ mission is achieved through a structure that includes a music director, a management team,
and chorus committees.


A chapter of Sweet Adelines International, Harmony River Chorus is a women’s a cappella chorus dedicated to performing music in the barbershop style. We are a fun-loving group that welcomes singers of all ages and backgrounds. We strive for excellence through education and performance.
Our main purpose as Harmony River Chorus is to get out in our community and sing, create lifelong friendships, and enjoy fellowship. We sing at annual shows, community events, and a regional competition. We also have quartets that perform at special occasions. If you’re looking for a unique musical experience to liven up your next function or event, please check out our “Hire Us” section.


We not only have a passion for performing, but also for learning more about the art of 4-part harmony acapella. Each rehearsal, we have time dedicated specifically to voice instruction. It is such an important component of the chorus experience. A few times a year, we have a guest coach--who is a master in the art of barbershop--and we learn fabulous tricks of the trade while having a blast!
We also support music education in our community by providing $500 scholarships to young women pursuing a degree in music education or performance.


Several of our members formed their own quartets in addition to singing with the chorus. We are proud to say we are home to a few quartets! Please contact us if you want to find out more.


We, Harmony River Chorus, are a chapter of Sweet Adelines International. Sweet Adelines International (SAI) is a non-profit organization of approximately 30,000 members in choruses and quartets worldwide. The headquarters is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Copyright © 2025 Harmony River Chorus